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  • 3 Reasons Children Aged 5 and Up Need Eye Exams

    Regular eye exams are crucial for everyone, but they are particularly important for children aged 5 and up. Children are develop rapidly, both physically and cognitively, and their vision plays a critical role in their overall development. Here are the top 3 reasons why eye exams are essential for children in this age group. 1. Detecting […]

    Continue Reading July 30, 2024

  • Enhancing Visual and Cognitive Health in Children: The Power of Lutein and Zeaxanthin.

    FIRST PUBLISHED APRIL 2024. Intro: In a world where digital screens dominate daily life, safeguarding the visual and cognitive health of children is paramount. Recent research has spotlighted the potential of dietary neuro-pigments lutein (L) and zeaxanthin (Z) in bolstering these crucial aspects of development. Let’s delve into a groundbreaking study that explores the benefits […]

    Continue Reading June 12, 2024

  • Tacoma Eye is Your Care Credit Optometry Office

    What’s CareCredit? CareCredit is a health and wellness credit card designed to help individuals cover out-of-pocket expenses related to medical and wellness services. With over 200,000 enrolled providers nationwide, CareCredit offers a flexible payment option for a variety of healthcare needs, including optometry services, hospitals, vets, and dentists…you can use care credit at many more […]

    Continue Reading June 6, 2024

  • What does battleship have to do with my pupil distance?

    The Battleship we know and love was first made in 1967. Milton Bradley introduced a version of the game that used plastic boards and pegs. It’s based on the coordinate system. It’s a way better way to locate something if you absolute need to get it right. Your pupillary distance, PD or Interpupillary distance is the horizontal distance between […]

    Continue Reading May 9, 2024

  • Understanding Myopia and Atropine: Your Comprehensive Guide

    Myopia, occurs when the eye is longer than it should be. It’s commonly believed that myopia is caused by both genetic and environmental factors. Left untreated, myopic patients are at a higher risk of retinal detachments and glaucoma. Most people know myopia by its most common side effect known as nearsightedness, nearsighted patients have a […]

    Continue Reading April 24, 2024

  • Myopia Treatment in Tacoma, WA

    Myopia occurs when a child’s eye is growing at a faster rate than desired. The reason this happens is the subject of intense research. What we do know is this creates increased axial length ( the eye is longer than expected). The most common symptom of myopia is blurry distance, vision, also known as nearsightedness. […]

    Continue Reading March 4, 2024

  • Solar Eclipse October 14 2023

    Many years ago we discussed a safe way to view a solar eclipse. 2017 American Eclipse – Tacoma WA | Tacoma Eye at Westgate ( . On October 14, 2023, there is another solar eclipse that may be partially visible for Tacoma, WA (weather permitting). A solar eclipse occurs when the moon (that travels around […]

    Continue Reading October 13, 2023