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3 Reasons to get your Eye Exam before December

As the year draws to a close, many of us are busy planning for the holidays, finalizing work projects, and setting goals for the new year.

Amidst all this, it’s easy to overlook something as simple but essential as an eye exam. However, scheduling your eye exam before December is not just a good idea-it’s crucial for your health, finances, and future well-being. Here are three compelling reasons why you should prioritize an eye exam before the year ends.

1. Early Detection Saves Vision-and Money

The economic impact of eye disorders in the United States is staggering, exceeding $51 billion annually. But here’s the good news: many causes of blindness and visual impairment can be caught early and managed effectively by your optometrist. Early detection through routine eye screenings is particularly important for high-risk groups, including those over 65, individuals with diabetes, and African Americans over 40. By catching issues early, you can prevent or delay the onset of serious eye conditions, potentially saving thousands of dollars in treatment costs and preserving your vision.

2. Maximize Your Health Insurance Benefits

Health insurance is a key factor in whether people seek out eye care. If you’re one of the many Americans with health insurance, now is the time to take full advantage of it before the year ends. “Use it or Lose it”. Many insurance plans operate on a calendar year, meaning that if you don’t use your benefits by December 31st, you lose them. Whether your plan covers an annual eye exam or helps reduce the cost of glasses or contact lenses, scheduling an eye exam before the end of the year ensures you’re making the most of your coverage.

3. Protect Your Overall Health

Eye exams are not just about vision-they’re a window into your overall health. Routine eye examinations can detect signs of systemic health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, and even certain cancers. For the elderly, regular eye exams have been shown to reduce overall functional decline, helping them maintain their independence longer. By scheduling an eye exam now, you’re not only protecting your vision but also safeguarding your general health.


An eye exam does not take much time and getting new glasses is fun! It can have a big impact on your health and finances. Don’t wait- make your exam a priority today. By scheduling your exam before December, you’re taking a proactive step toward preserving your vision, maximizing your health insurance benefits, and protecting your overall well-being. Our December appointments often fill up. Your eyes will thank you. Call us at 253-220-2563 or visit