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Vision Care

  • Solar Eclipse October 14 2023

    Many years ago we discussed a safe way to view a solar eclipse. 2017 American Eclipse – Tacoma WA | Tacoma Eye at Westgate ( . On October 14, 2023, there is another solar eclipse that may be partially visible for Tacoma, WA (weather permitting). A solar eclipse occurs when the moon (that travels around […]

    Continue Reading October 13, 2023

  • A photo of two red dice

    Roll the dice and measure your own Pupil Distance

    What is my pupil distance? The pupillary distance, PD or Interpupillary distance is the horizontal distance between pupils. It is an easy measurement to take and DIY’ers can measure it themselves. It is measured in millimeters (mm). But here is the problem. People have more than one PD. You have a distant and near PD. Further – […]

    Continue Reading August 2, 2023

  • Measure my PD

    What is my pupil distance? The pupillary distance, PD or Interpupillary distance is the horizontal distance between pupils. It is an easy measurement to take and DIY’ers can measure it themselves. It is measured in millimeters (mm). But here is the problem. People have more than one PD. You have a distant and near PD. Further – […]

    Continue Reading March 21, 2022

  • Spring/Summer 2020 Newsletter

    Download a copy of our Spring/Summer Newsletter. Experiencing Eye Strain? Before the pandemic – Our smartphones, computers, tablets and other near devices had been taking their toll. Since March it has become even more clear we need glasses that can allow us to do our work more safely and with less symptoms of eyestrain. Evidence […]

    Continue Reading August 31, 2020

  • Tele-Optometry – NOW AVAILABLE

    When with select eye concerns (Red Eyes, Pink Eye, Itchy Eyes, Flashes, Floating spots, double vision) use a live, web-based platform to consult with an optometrist located in another location to reach a tentative diagnosis and come up with a treatment plan. These exams are NOT “comprehensive” exams but rather “problem-focused”. These are not exams […]

    Continue Reading March 27, 2020

  • What’s my PD?

    What’s my pupil distance, pupillary distance, interpupillary distance, PD? The pupillary distance is the horizontal distance between the centers of your pupils. It is an easy measurement to take and you can even measure it yourself. It is measured in millimeters (mm). Your pupil distance changes when transitioning from looking at an object far away […]

    Continue Reading October 25, 2019

  • Screen Breaks – The 20/20/20 Rule

    Protecting our eyes in the workplace For the purposes of this blog post, the workplace can be divided into 2 areas: Office Jobs & Higher risk jobs. Higher risk jobs include construction, manufacturing work, mining, carpentry, auto repair, chemical lab, electrical work, plumbing, welding, and maintenance. More than two thousand workers in this line of […]

    Continue Reading March 25, 2019

  • Are you at risk for macular degeneration?

    The Retina is a delicate tissue lining the inside of the eye. Technically, it is made up of neural (brain) tissue and it does not regenerate. The macula is a region in the retina that is responsible for your “central vision”, the are of the retina you use to recognize faces, read print, drive, etc. […]

    Continue Reading February 12, 2019

  • How can a healthy person lose vision & not know it?

    How can a healthy person lose vision & not know it? Unfortunately, this can happen if you have un-diagnosed GLAUCOMA. It is one of many reasons why regular eye exams are important, even in patients who feel they “see fine”. Glaucoma is defined by the American Optometric Association as “a group of eye disorders that lead to progressive […]

    Continue Reading January 7, 2019

  • What if we had a choice?

    If an eye disease was an inevitable part of your life, wouldn’t it be nice if you could pick which disease you had? If you could, you would want to pick cataracts. Today, cataract surgery can not only remedy the disease but it can make your eye sight better than it ever was before. Thanks […]

    Continue Reading August 5, 2018