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Myopia Tips

  • Is it time for an exam?

    Children’s Eye Safety with Contact Lenses: What Parents Need to Know

    When it comes to vision correction for children, contact lenses can be a fantastic option. With a knowledgeable optometrist, they offer freedom from glasses during sports, better peripheral vision, and an increased sense of self-confidence. However, with these benefits comes the need for proper education and care to ensure your child’s eyes stay safe and […]

    Continue Reading January 16, 2025

  • Understanding Myopia and Atropine: Your Comprehensive Guide

    Myopia, occurs when the eye is longer than it should be. It’s commonly believed that myopia is caused by both genetic and environmental factors. Left untreated, myopic patients are at a higher risk of retinal detachments and glaucoma. Most people know myopia by its most common side effect known as nearsightedness, nearsighted patients have a […]

    Continue Reading April 24, 2024

  • Myopia Treatment in Tacoma, WA

    Myopia occurs when a child’s eye is growing at a faster rate than desired. The reason this happens is the subject of intense research. What we do know is this creates increased axial length ( the eye is longer than expected). The most common symptom of myopia is blurry distance, vision, also known as nearsightedness. […]

    Continue Reading March 4, 2024