The Eye Opening Truth of Fireworks Injuries
Click here to learn more about eye safety during Summer Celebrations!
Click here to learn more about eye safety during Summer Celebrations!
The Fourth of July is a wonderful day to enjoy good food, good company, and, of course, an awe-inspiring fireworks display.
If you are in your 30’s and 40’s, chances are you have noticed you are getting older. One of the first things people notice is blurry vision. While it may be subtle and we can compensate at first – it does not go away. This is not a fun fact- it’s a sign we are […]
Protecting our eyes in the workplace For the purposes of this blog post, the workplace can be divided into 2 areas: Office Jobs & Higher risk jobs. Higher risk jobs include construction, manufacturing work, mining, carpentry, auto repair, chemical lab, electrical work, plumbing, welding, and maintenance. More than two thousand workers in this line of […]
The Retina is a delicate tissue lining the inside of the eye. Technically, it is made up of neural (brain) tissue and it does not regenerate. The macula is a region in the retina that is responsible for your “central vision”, the are of the retina you use to recognize faces, read print, drive, etc. […]
Nearly everyone over the age of 65 will experience a reduced elasticity of the lenses of their eyes — a condition called presbyopia.
How can a healthy person lose vision & not know it? Unfortunately, this can happen if you have un-diagnosed GLAUCOMA. It is one of many reasons why regular eye exams are important, even in patients who feel they “see fine”. Glaucoma is defined by the American Optometric Association as “a group of eye disorders that lead to progressive […]