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  • COVID Protocols

    Please read our updated COVID protocols: The safety of our patients and staff is our top concern. Tacoma Eye has always followed universal precaution procedures and we continue to follow strict disinfection protocols. Additionally: We are seeing patients by appointment only and ask that you please CALL FIRST. We are not seeing walk-ins. We encourage […]

    Continue Reading June 25, 2020

  • Juneteenth 2020

    Juneteenth is celebrated on June 19th. It does not commemorate the end of slavery or the signing of the emancipation proclamation. The emancipation proclamation was signed on January 1st 1863. The 13th amendment passed the Senate on April 8, 1864, and the House on January 31, 1865. On December 6th, 1865 the 13th amendment was […]

    Continue Reading June 19, 2020

  • Welcome Back!

    The safety of our patients and staff is our top concern. Tacoma Eye has always followed universal precaution procedures and we continue to follow strict disinfection protocols. Additionally: CALL FIRST. We are seeing patients by appointment only. We are not seeing walk-ins. We encourage the use of our online history forms prior to arrival. We […]

    Continue Reading May 29, 2020

  • The Case for Telemedicine

    A Common Problem with ER Visits “Will” wakes up with itchy, bloodshot eyes. 2 weeks ago (or really any day prior to March 24, 2020). Will’s only option would be to call his optometrist (we’ll call her “Doctor Lucie”).  Hopefully he can see her in person that same week. He will go for his appointment […]

    Continue Reading May 19, 2020

  • Women’s Eye Health

    Men and women might not come from different planets, but there are certainly a lot of differences between the two — even with eye health.

    Continue Reading April 22, 2020